Based on Mario, improved with some great new features such as placing and removing blocks, Merlijn Buit created TableauCraft. This game allows you to create your own little home, treehouse or even mancave in Tableau! Are you proud of the level you created? Copy your level code and share it with your friends and/or colleagues! Download the workbook now and start having fun!

The Level
The game is based on a scatter plot but there is a big difference: bu default, the level is empty. This level is based on a 50 by 50 grid. Every block has 50 times 50 invisible marks with a unique location starting at 0,0 and ending at 50,50. Only the blocks, which are present in the parameter, are shown in the scatter plot. This is how the player can create his/her own level.
The Cursor
The cursor allows you to place blocks at the location of the cursor. You can control the cursor with your arrow keys, you can move the cursor 1 block around the player. The location of the cursor is based on an X and Y parameter relative to the players location. With the cursor you can control where you want to place or remove a block. The block you want to place is the block you have currently selected in your inventory.
There are 2 hidden sheets on the dashboard, called the blockfinders. The first sheet is the ADD sheet which is filtered by the X and Y position of the cursor and by a dashboard action from the inventory sheet. The result is 1 unique ID of a block on that specific location. By hitting the E button the user will add this block to the level parameter. There is also a REMOVE sheet which is also filtered by the X and Y position of the cursor, but there is no dashboard action. This means that every block on that specific X,Y location in the dataset is shown in this sheet. By hitting Q you will remove all IDs in the REMOVE sheet from the level parameter.
First, click in the extension in the bottom right to start playing. The extension is listening to the keyboard inputs, otherwise you are controlling Tableau with keyboard shortcuts which can cause some strange things. WASD: Walk around Arrow Keys: Move Cursor around E: Place Block Q: Remove Block Select a block from the inventory sheet to be able to add it to the level. Are you done with your level? Share it with the community! Use #tableaucraft on Twitter or LinkedIn so people can find your creations! Do you want to start with an empty level? Use this level code: |2259|,|2214|,|2169|,|2124|,|2079|,|2034|,|1989|,|1944|,|1899|,|1854|,|1809|,|1764|,|1719|, |1674|,|1629|,|1584|,|1539|,|1494|,|1449|,|1404|,|1359|,|1314|,|1269|,|1224|, |1179|,|1134|,|1089|,|1044|,|999|,|954|,|909|,|864|,|819|,|774|,|729|,|684|,|639|,|594|, |549|,|504|,|459|,|414|,|369|,|324|,|279|,|234|,|189|,|144|,|99|,|54|,|9|,
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